My Name Jeff Lmao Xddddddd Funny Memes
I actually find jenny death their best album to date. JD > TMS > EXM > GOVT > NLDW > NOTM > FW. But it changes sometime =P
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No problem! more death grips is always good! =P you know about kamasi washington? because his new album ''the epic'' is a really good jazz album.
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KEYBODE check it out! don't ask me what it is! i send you this because you like Death Grips. You're not gonna regret it.
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white peoalPLE WHITE PEOPLE WHITE AMALES WHITE PEROPL ARE AWFUL I HATE WHITE PEOPLE WHIT E PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHi te people. !!!!! white people never accepted those who identify as hamsterlings ´, hamsters of the new world who have adopted hamtaro as their t.r.u. god and master personally i live in one of those hamster cages where you can buy tubes and expansion and all sorts of stuff so i have a big hamster mansion . a scandal society never think abt hamtaro and his impact on the world u know what they say - small hamster big adaventures :) they choose to ignore his scientist work even though he was trying to save the world from the war just because hes a hamster and thats like me im very smart and everyone ignores me and what i do so identify as hamling
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ha ha yes human rites are so good so that no one will put me back in the small room with no light and only screams :) thanks tumr blere for creating human rigte its veyr nice of you father tumblen . bad man will never take away my childrene it will never happen again also hwy cant you buy admission to heaven god dang martin luther it is all his fault becaus he didnt want ppl to save their dang aunts and grandmas from going 2 hell >:( !!! please let me buy the sin eraser device i need it not that i have sinned but others have
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OH yes thats like the frightening nervous system man h e play the piano it hhaha he go pling pling and when he s on the picture evyerone say im sory nerovus man or else they will have no scaries ever again . and danceying skelton turn up
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hahah that must have been so special like finding the rarest mem r frog of all time :) whats the rrarest meme u have ever seen ??
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hahah tthats like when u just get home from a long day at the meme machine factory .. all u do all day is just lookng at the sweet unobtainable memos and u cannot ever reach them, all yuo want is a true spagethi memes but never will u truly have the spagehti because it falls out of YOURE PURSE!!!!!!!!! haha!!!!!
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melanie rinky was lying next to a big pool in his mansion in the sahara desert, he get up and jump in the anime looking water and theres dolphin mosaic at the bottom.. theres many sculptures there and palm trees and other plants and its very beautiful.. then suddenly he see a man... ( he build this house so no man can enter it very security nobody disturb him except lonely lizard orphans he adopts) but now a man is looking at him while hes in the pool. he has a very flat surface on the top of his head for landing helicoptres and melanie rinky begins to scream but his lung filed with water. :( ! the flat head man record it and he friend mister Zememel Hickory king of the bongo king of the bongo bong play a tune on his stretchy skins he made in his barn . Then they make it into music called Diddley Goop ! but melanie crickets is still swiming in the pool with dolphins......
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in the yr 3000 not much will have changed but ppl will live under water except mario ridges he will be the only one still living on land. he live in town of chernobyl in ukraine and he spends his days sitting on top of the ferris wheel screaming and feeding cats and dogs with bread he bakes with flour he makes by smashing crubley concrete blocks and using rain water . every night he sleeps inside a very tall scary looking building with many dogs and cats keeping him warm . and when he wakes up he chants and makes a sacrifice ritual by throwing a lil piece of rock outside a window from the 12th floor. then he chants song: tak (means thank u) -yon (means john like johnny bravo) he thanking his old friend john cliff for teaching him the secrets of scream and true happiness . he cries sometimes thinking about his old friends but hes alright too a little bit. that is my aesthetic
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Mickey Rifle is crazy these days with the new release Jonny Deep, 2nd half of the douple LP - The Yam is the Power That B, on the song Why A Beige Got To have a Lie he has a conversation with robots because hes lost all faith in humans bc a bitche lied to him. So now he just talks to robottos. the song pss pss hes talking about dropping acid which honestly sounds INCREDIBLY dangerous, you should always have the right non-slippery footwear because lab safety is important . lets just hope its not corrosive and he remembered safety goggles !! stay safe Doctor McDreidel
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when mick riddles on the moon looking back on the earht he cry a tear sad because the moon have no delicious flower :( only he the mother of pupy they eat the moon rocks .. he break a miror because he does not care about the bad luck anymore
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what if one day the gopherment kidnap McRide and then put him in space rocket to the moon. he scream all the way and he scream on the moon but then he meet a moon puppy :) he never scream again and he become the mother of puppy :)
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yes i like it i love the song pss pss it sounds a bit like "pee" but its cool song. also y a girl dog got to lie ?? sound is really a conspiracy u know the ilubarati install ears on to ur head when ur born so they can send scary mesages from the devil 2 you through britney spears songs "toxic satan " and jonas brothers.
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u really need to listen to : diddle grain - jingle dental, steffen break a leg and zac efron have a band called Scooby doos cousin: scooby dum was kind of weird. What was his purpose like nobody ever understood why he was there!! what the heck kind of dog has buck teeth any way i swear to god no dog has teeth like that.! i feel awful ?? he even wore a hat !!!!!!!
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i never understood that kid w the big structure on his face why was he like a big baby??? like a kid sized baby???????????? so weird nd that annoying girl was always taking care of him like he was a baby so weird and yeha i tried those cranium ruiners once and it was weird like a big sweet ball of marble !! very strange but cool it change colour. i caannot believe dingo groupies - jimmy doodle went onto the internet last night !!! heeres jimmy death!! nd then breaking thru the door wth an axe and into my life
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i feel so bad for the honoured dog he just try to help then !! also what was good was the show edward, edamam nd eden wher one was weird muttonhead nd one was smart and one was very funny!! and a boy he have a best frien who a piece of wood. then they chew on the big candy all day its like crack for children
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oh my gosd u have to watch howdy nd brommit they r so cool nd another good one is: cool - the brave dog he lil purp purple dog w big hole in he tooth but he has a very nice heart he olove his lady mother mona. she fat nd have strange white hair but she v nice and cook a delicious food. she married to evil rude man he have a big head n wear a hat. hes stupid nd brave: the cool dog he dont like hijm. they live in SPOKEY lil house in the dessert. but the cool dog have a computer he smart. then theres also a rude cat who se evil nd he pretend to be tv repaire man to put brainwash channel on televisionel. he try take over the world but col a brave dogt he wont let him he stop it bc he good. entire show is fever dream nd theres a restaurent where a scarry man is. jimbo the husband he wont to eat abrugre but le chien extraordinaire he dont like it.. WELL turn out that brugers are made from heads!!!!!
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no jokd i frickin love mallard nd gummy theres that one where the evil penguin name : feathers mcgraw he rude af then he be best of friend w the man and scooby is sad :'( so depressing nd then penguine make a trousers evil :o then dog catches him by layin train tracks faster thn the train is goinfg its crazy then the evil penguine : feather mcgraw get trapped in a bottle haha :) he the dumb dumb nd theres 1 whre they go 2 the moon to get cheez thats funny too
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ok i ran out of characters but they sleep on furs in their house made from moon rocks that too packed built himself so they sleep inside the big hall of the moon rock house with a big fireplace where toothpick reads all the kids stories until they are all asleep then tuba pic looks into the fire and looks out the window where he can see earth and smiles but hes really thinking how he couldnt have wished for a better life than what he already has with his korean moon children :)
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what if tooth pastes maker was actually still alive but in.: space?? maybe someone shady like russia or nort koree kidnap him and send him to the moon with a bunch of korean kids so hes forced to teach them how 2 rap?????? like then he on the moon w all the kids like he made a camp where he the only adult he just raised all the korean babies !! imagine him making pancakes on the moon for all the korean space kids thats what i want to believe haha :-) w an apron on that says "i dint choose cool rapper life IT chose ME" haha and every time he flip tha pancake in the air all the lil kids go "yess father toth packed!!" hahahaha!!! they spend their time being home schooled by him but their only subject is rapping all the kids are like prodigies nd then they start a radio channel on the moon so ppl on earth can hear the sick beatz of two paddles korean child rap choir its a sensation and everyone loves it but when they all go to sleep at night its cold on the moon and they all sleep on furs
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oh man remeber the times when it was jsut the good ol memers making the anger comic!!! like FUCKKKK anger face and the drep funny face lol lmao xDDDDDDD normies dont get TRUE mems like that back int he day it was just the man, the machine and the meme - the ideological meme : THE dream of a meme not just those quickmems everyone throwing abt these days HUH it is awful people dont take THE memes seriously anymore they put no thought into it i was born in the WRONG meme generation memes used 2 be the real thing now they SUK
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hahah gay memes thats funny bc memes are gay nd who dont like a meme a dream of a meme but hwen did they become this way its heartbreaking my meme heart destroyed because of the hate that meems get exposed to just from being a meme .. :'(
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ohm y god i figured it out the gay song is called : "EVERLAST ING LOVE" by j'aime le column and even tho hes like "i need u woman lady PLS LOVE ME" its the most homosexual song in the universe ..... so gay "open up ur EYE" the gayest ever
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hahaa the best arcane fairy album is the feather hand,, also free will butlre should become an actual butler hah reminds me of fanchy pantsey ol ham bing, ol ham bing and his butler badingo ha ha classic ....good times....................
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omg i hate that song heya there mr.aunt gemima whats a pike??? wheres new york city,, what a gay song(no ofense 2 a gay dont wory) its like that awful love type song thats this dude singing like i wanna MARY U LADY nd stuff some ppl were talking abt it nd i was like thats the gayest song ive heard in my life even tho its a boy saying he want 2 marry a girl it was just gay as hell tbh and people agreed w me bc it was just so gay
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i can feel mr squigles: the art hamster RAGING over the fact that lemon curdis and evil joy distraction used his picture art for their tshirt colleciton
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hahah yes the original lines painteing by the art hamster= mr squigles:the art hamster . funnest fact : did u know that mr squigles: the art hamster himself made the sqæugile line art painting by taping a piece of coal to his belly,, then running across a paper while chasing a carrot that was dangling off of a hot wheels racer toy car !! thats how it was created and now everyone wears the tshirt while giving no credit to mr squigles: the art hamster... so sad
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ahh good old sad "Man " musico ,, he known from classic Bands like Nefertiti, the curd and the smiles :) every one love a band that play the sad music that make u go "life suck a$$" hahah everyone loves to be sad and wear tshirts that say "im the saddest person alive" but then they arent
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thank u stefan mac riddles for the inspiriations . "dear jney - death lies ahead of eveyr one but do not be scare jney becayse: meme grip will be there when u check into paradise hotel" - stefan mc riddles ,, truly an inspiring human bean
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illegals are whats RUINGING THIS COUNTRY ! !!! GOD HATES MEMES !!!!!!! what if actually the govvamean is out2get eldorado snø-din laden becuas hes an ANIMAYER AND PROBABLY A ......... MEMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MeMes are going STR8 2 HELL!! espiecal: meme frog and the sad boys face (not yunga lean ,, the "" [itralics] feeling [/italy["" meme) !!!!!!!!!!!!
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i identify as 100% weed princess (pronouns please talk to me as : smoke/dank) and no joke edurad snøwdy probably loves the animey,, i think he lvus the japens carton faces mangey loll....... OH MY GOD i just googled it turns out he did?????? did u know that??? anwyas yes im in prisson, its not very nice and all because of the illegal online weed smoking on website: "last" fm .dk/ marry-leguanas , a place where peropl go to SMOKE the dANK on the computre
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wow hwo dare u my friend. how could u say that... what if god was 1 of us (drake) also if u say the weed word on my page 1 more time i wil get arrestéd ,, i can not go to prison i am not a weedle pless dont no oh my god is that a gun holy shnt i swear i dont evern know what a weed is oh my god,m m, ----!!! ALL BECAUSE OF LAST FM USER ILOVEOLIVEEEEES thantk u now im in presion, is that what u wanted
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im 99% sure i would take a bullet for drake i luv him so much .... sometimes i just say out loude "dear aubrey drake graham if u hear this i love u so much" just in case hes actually an omnipresent angel sent from the lord... too perfect for this world,, too pure ..
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