I Think Not Trick Ass Funny Apex Meme

Page listing recurring jokes intentionally created by hololive member(s). For jokes where the viewers are directly involved in bringing them to life, see Memes/hololive.

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    Multiple streamers/In general

  • "Is that your real voice?" "Of course it isn't, stupid." Explanation Some hololive members have been asked this question by superchat donators, usually reading the superchat in a cutesy tone, then promptly switching to a deeper voice for the reply. Matsuri and Echo did this, and Civia put a spin on it by slightly going Yandere for her reply.
  • Last game? Explanation The addictive nature of the games some of the talents play lead them to call for a "last game", only to keep playing. This can happen multiple times in a stream. While initially associated with and popularized by Watame from her long Fall Guys streams, it's since spread to several other hololivers.
  • I'm not addicted, I just like the game. Explanation Some of the idols may become so enamored with a game that they play it extremely often, both for streams and offline, and fans will remark that they've become addicted to the game in question. Moona, Ollie, Reine and Kronii have made the heaviest use of this defense, maintaining that they are not addicted to Minecraft and/or Apex Legends.
  • これがホロライブだ! ("This is hololive!") Explanation Dropped by multiple member on times they did something crazy or during strange situations. Most likely derived from the "hololive is an idol group" meme.
  • "This is the bond of [X] generation." Explanation Said by hololive members when they are about to do shenanigans towards another member of the same generation.
  • For the 3rd gen, starting from Rushia's 3D debut, the star of the debut stream would lay down, while the camera person would proceed to get on top of them. Humorously, when Noel attempts it for Flare's debut, the grass stage obscures her face and causes her to stop before she can properly do it.
  • In the Holo no Graffiti shorts, the office's window gets smashed on a regular basis, usually by something or someone going through it. One episode even had the windows being replaced by shatter-proof glass specifically because it was getting broken too frequently (until status quo took over).
  • Constantly having a Twitter verification mark request denied Explanation Some hololive members get their Twitter verification appeal rejected on a constant basis; notable cases include Fubuki, AkiRose, Anya, Calli, Roboco and even the holostars official account, despite most of them having way more followers than some celebrities. Fubuki in particular probably has it worst since she'll openly voice her disappointment whenever someone gets verified before her, despite having over 1 million followers on Twitter.
  • Valley Girl accents/YAAASSSS Explanation Once it was pointed out that Amelia has a natural inclination to uptalk, the other EN girls have often attempted their own versions of a valley girl accent, with Gura prominently taking multiple opportunities to do so. Her accent was so accurate and hilarious in the EN Uno collab that it caused her collab partners to be beside themselves with laughter. It isn't limited to the EN girls either as Moona dared Ollie to speak in this way in a Minecraft collab and the zombie obliged with the Indonesian equivalent of the Jaksel (Southern Jakartan) accent that was so good she traumatized her senpai.
  • Marine impersonation Explanation A long-running gag inspired by but oddly enough doesn't actually involve, the eponymous idol, where many members are capable of imitating Marine's voice and mannerism to an uncanny degree, sometimes more convincing than she herself (e.g. Kanata, Fubuki, etc...). Due to the spate of new talents being able to pull off this feat, most notably Gen 6, it is often joked that one of hololive's hiring requirements is that one must be able to impersonate Marine, among other things.
  • Business friends Explanation A running gag started by Miko and Suisei, who jokingly claim to not be particularly close and are only friends for the sake of business. Flare and Lui have also claimed this in regards to their respective relationships with Noel and Chloe, to the latter two's dismay.
  • Playing Monopoly Explanation A running gag started when Bae and Irys were writing their addition to Noise Complaint. Since then, Monopoly has become an Unusual Euphemism used by the two whenever conversations get a little spicy.
  • Gaslighting Explanation A recurring joke that's applied to specific idols who initially deny being what their fanbases consider them to be, where it's often said that if the chat is persistent enough at referring to them as such, eventually they will be indoctrinated into accepting their new image. The prime examples of this gaslighting are Subaru being slowly convinced into accepting her duck persona, Towa letting it slip that she's an angel, and Fubuki conceding to being a cat or the chat's wife on occasion.
  • Gura and Mumei's voices. Explanation People have noticed how Gura and Mumei can sound identical at times. It rose to prominance during Calli's tea party when Mumei brought up "American angus beef" with a twang that was identical to Gura's. The two of them even note the similiarity, and fans happily bring it up whenever one of them dips into the other's vocal register.
  • Senpai tax Explanation Originating from a Minecraft guerrilla collab stream between Gura, IRyS, Kronii, and Ina, where Gura came up with the concept of a "senpai tax" when wanting to get quartz from IRyS knowing they had just gone to the Nether. This quickly spread throughout Hololive throughout all language branches. Many variants came into play with either the senpai demanding taxes, it being flipped around to become kouhai taxes, or the kouhais willingly paying taxes to oblivious senpais

hololive Japan

Original Generation

    Sora Tokino

  • "I was scared just now, really."/"I'm sorry for not screaming." Explanation Sora is famously unaffected by horror games. Whenever she plays them, expect nonchalance towards whatever scares she encounters while she insists to the chat audience that she was actually frightened. That said, she's not entirely immune to being scared though, as worms stun her into silence.
  • "How many nicknames do I have already?" Explanation Sora's fans love bestowing new nicknames on her, usually coming from anything cute or funny that she says or does, so there are a lot. She humorously tries to deflect them, but has come to acknowledge them in an English chat stream.

    Miko Sakura

  • "STAY HOME!" Explanation During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Miko was playing a lot of open-world games like the aforementioned GTAV and would yell "STAY HOME!" at people in the street, often shooting at them as well.
  • FAQ-derived gags:
  • "Shiketenne!" Explanation A phrase that Miko often uses for calling something lame. (e.g. この村しけてんね! "What a pathetic village!")
  • "Lost again-nye..." Explanation Miko has had a horrible win-loss record at Watame's rock-paper-scissors minigame, so much that it's jokingly called her "nemesis". Expect this horrible losing streak to carry forward into instances of rock-paper-scissors not involving Watame.
  • The Burning Song / Baanin Baanin Explanation Whenever Miko is dealing with fire (be it actually setting things alight or otherwise), she sings a snippet of The Cover Girls' "Show Me" with the lyrics replaced with the English word 'burning', with the most notable example being her setting fire to the Woodland Mansion in Minecraft.

Generation 1

    Fubuki Shirakami

  • "We are friends!" Explanation Hololive members friend-zoning their zealous fans isn't considered uncommon, but Fubuki is particularly known for this due to how frequently and enthusiastically she does it. Whenever one of Fubuki's viewers asks to marry her, she will typically respond in English with some variation of "No wife! We are friends! Friends!"
    • Wife for today Explanation On select occasions, she will allow the chat to call her wife. Usually, these are for events like major concerts or anniversary celebrations.
  • "Akai na..." Explanation Literally means "Red again...". Fubuki wants a shiny Magikarp in her Pokémon Brilliant Diamond but unfortunately, the elusive shiny fish is out of reach for her. When she finally caught the shiny Magikarp on December 24, 2021, the entire chat was happy for her. Then, her second shiny Magikarp earned the "Akai Na" name as she evolved it into the suitably red shiny Gyarados.

    Haato Akai (Haachama)

Generation 2

    Aqua Minato

    Subaru Oozora

  • Disowned by mama Explanation It is often joked that Subaru has been disowned by all of her mother figures: Shigure Ui (her illustrator) "disowns" her for one reason or another, attempts to call Mio "mama" gets the response of "I don't remember giving birth to you!" and then there's the time she taught her IRL mom how to join YouTube memberships only for her to support someone not even in Hololive.

hololive GAMERS

    Korone Inugami

  • subscribers name*-SAN! Explanation When thanking her subscribers at the end of the stream, Korone always adds "-san" to the end of their names, but heavily emphasized.

Generation 3/Fantasy

    Pekora Usada

  • ORA! Explanation A standard Japanese Kiai phrase used by many of the Holomems, although Pekora has gained notoriety for it due to how often she uses it and her very particular way of saying it, complete with Trrrilling Rrrs and a pronunciation that often sounds more like "oreh".
  • BAKATARE GA! Explanation Roughly translated to "You Fool!" or "idiot" in Japanese, it's an extremely common catchphrase used whenever Pekora is being indignant or mocking someone.

Generation 4

    Coco Kiryu

  • $9000 bed Explanation Coco's famous bed gets brought up whenever another holomember visits the HoloHouse, particularly in offline collaborations with her. Expect them to try it out, bask in its luxury and often sleep in it.

    Watame Tsunomaki

  • Kusozako Connection Explanation a.k.a. her crappy internet speed. Early on in her career, she would get disconnected while streaming so often that she's made it part of her humor, like having a running counter of how many times she's disconnected or editing in fake loading icons on her scripted videos. Even when she manages to avoid getting disconnected, her videos tend to have a lot of artifact due to low bandwidth.

    Although the source of this joke has since been fixed (thus the "running" part of the gag has pretty much retired), Kusozako Connection served as the foundation for one of her most iconic catchphrases (Warukunai yo ne?), as well as one of her most well-known early songs (Kusozako Connection Graduation, クソザコ回線卒業).

  • Watame's pretty low PC specs were a thing she often poked fun at, lampshading almost every moment when her avatar starts jittering or even outright freezing when playing high system requirement games like ARK: Survival Evolved or Apex Legends. When she first started streaming the former, she gave up trying to solve the performance issues and resorted to replacing her Live2D model with a static image of herself for the rest of the stream. On August 31th, 2020, Watame officially retired this gag with a long-awaited stream of PIEN, where she states that the days of low-specs PC are gone.
  • Ui-beam Explanation As a riff on the long-running gag where she and Subaru's illustrator Shigure Ui are jokingly said to be the same person, Watame had made it a habit of sorts to sneak in an Ui-beam every now and then while streaming or reading Superchats, sometimes even while Ui herself was watching. If caught in the act, Watame tends to feign ignorance with a Not-So-Innocent Whistle.

    Towa Tokoyami

  • Towa is devil Explanation Whenever she's referred to an angel by fans in one fashion or another, Towa responds — typically in annoyance — with insistence that she's actually a devil, often trying to ignore or pretend that she doesn't act wholesome in any way.

    Luna Himemori

Generation 5

    Lamy Yukihana

    Nene Momosuzu

  • Nene's Husbands Collection Explanation Unlike most of the Holomems who generally friend-zone fans who try to propose/ask them out, Nene is not only okay with this, but eagerly marries all of them and claims all of her fans as her "husbands" (even the female fans, with her "wives" generally being other members of Hololive that she has Ship Tease with), claiming to have a collection hundreds to thousands strong (who are all only identified by numbers and comically abused in a number of ways). Ironically, this has led to her fans comedically trying to friend-zone her and file for divorces.
  • Nene the Elementary Schooler Explanation She is noted for displaying some notably child-like tastes and behaviors, such as her love of KidComs, dislike of vegetables and penchant for making goofy, colorful doodles. There are also her attempts at perversion, which Lamy mentions as having all the energy of a grade schooler who just learned about dirty jokes. When she tried showing off her Gag Boobs to Matsuri and Towa, her senpai simply told her not to do that in front of adults.

    Botan Shishiro

  • Poi Explanation Anytime Botan is on Call of Duty and she throws a grenade, she says "Poi" and it's a sign that the Lioness is here to feast.
  • Rainbow Panties Explanation Whenever Botan is asked the color of her panties by another hololive member, she responds with rainbow. With being one of the most proficient PC gamers in hololive, she's probably referring to how a lot of high-tech PCs and PC accessories glow with rainbow lights. This also caught on with the rest of her genmates, when the four of them called in to Aqua's Birthday stream and when asked what colour their panties are, they all answered rainbow.

Generation 6/holoX

    La+ Darknesss

  • "YES MY DARK"/"YMD" Explanation A phrase La+ asked her viewers to say in her debut stream. Right away, many of them started to replace the words with many different similar words, the most common being "YES MY DUCK" and "Yamada".
  • It is common for people interacting with La+, both chat and her genmates, to treat Karasu as though it's La+, rather than the demon girl beneath it.

    Lui Takane

  • Lui-senpai Explanation Because of the air of maturity she exudes, Lui has repeatedly been called 'senpai' by mistake by a number of the other talent to whom she is junior.

    Chloe Sakamata

  • <>< Explanation Ask the chat to greet her with a fish. Specifically, the ASCII version of it, not the fish emoji, or any other sea animal emoji, as frequently appears.
  • Chloe doesn't take baths Explanation After her early streams established that she went for several days without taking a bath, her viewers and fellow talents kept badgering Chloe to take a bath whenever given the chance and inferring that she stinks.



hololive Indonesia

    Kureiji Ollie

  • Z Cup Explanation Ollie insists that this is her actual cup size despite appearing flat-chested and that her ribbon just conceals it. Expect this term to flood chat whenever another idol pokes fun of her lack of "boing boings."
  • Renovating Ollie's house Explanation Whenever Ollie returns to her home, she will sometimes notice unexpected renovations that someone made while she was away. In Minecraft, Nene installed a tunnel that leads from her house to 5th Gen's building and Botan expanded the front of her house into a ramen shop, which Ollie initially thought her house had been turned into. In Animal Crossing, her IRL sister turned the bathroom into her own room (she also messed around with the NPCs, making one of them reveal that Ollie is obsessed with Haikyuu!! and making a number of them say "-peko").
  • "Do you play Apex Legends?" Explanation Apex Legends is Ollie's favorite game by a mile, and she would often try to rope other members into playing it with her as well. Her zeal in doing so became a meme in itself, usually used when new members are announced, with Ollie's way of greeting them being to barge in and ask if they play Apex or not, and becoming disappointed enough to "disown" them if they don't, as was the case with Kaela.

    Pavolia Reine

  • "So anyway..." Explanation Whenever Reine encounters some shenanigans from the chat, be it teasing or lewdness, she usually makes her response nonverbally depending on the situation (such as cleaning up the potato chip bag or moving the chat window to the bottom left of the screen and typing out a large "X to doubt" when they claim they don't belong there) while sporting aloof, disappointed eyes and disengaging from the topic.
  • An empty or half-empty bag of potato chips often appears somewhere in the background of Reine's streams. When chat points it out, Reine is quick to brush it away, claiming it's not important and that chat shouldn't worry about it. Her noted distaste for cleaning may or may not have something to do with this.
  • Chat Food Explanation Cat food that Reine offers for chat to eat in her brunch streams. Naturally, it's placed in the bottom left corner.
  • Stripes/The Watermelon Room Explanation Reine has a fondness for stripes that both her peers and fans do not share. Since her stream of House Flipper where she created a striped room that has since been dubbed The Watermelon Room, she takes any given opportunity to tease people with stripe designs, like in Minecraft where she recreated the room.
  • Brute Force Explanation Whenever Reine resorts to violence or to Try Everything in a puzzle, expect a mention of brute forcing the solution.
  • I'm having fun at [X], are you having fun? Explanation The particular phrasing is a Call-Back to Reine, Calli, and later IRyS getting into a loop of answering and asking whether they were having fun during the 2021 Sports Festival.
  • ReiZero Explanation Reine started using a voice changer to imitate Zero's voice during her Zero Time Dilemma streams, but she has since started using it for narration even in streams that have nothing to do with ZTD, most notably as the voice of "GOD" in her Minecraft fanfics.
  • "Sun on the beach" Explanation During a Mario Kart collab between her, Calli, Baelz, and Marine, Calli ended up using the phrase "son of a bitch". However when called out upon Reine for using bad English words in front of Marine, Calli tried to cover it up by claiming what she said was "sun on the beach". Reine would then continue using that phrase throughout the stream as well as subsequent Mario Kart streams with others.
  • Joinda Explanation JOIN THE ROYALTEA! With 3 easy clicks, you too can join Reine's membership and subject yourself to more of her advertising.

hololive English

Generation 1 -Myth-

    Calliope Mori

  • Internet demons/goblins Explanation Calli has mentioned that the bill for her ISP is quite high but was assured that that it was really good value for money. Despite that she has had multiple connectivity issues and constantly refers to her ISP as "Internet demons," an apt name for most Western Internet providers. Ina has also called them "goblins" when talking about the issues on a collaborative stream hosted on Calli's channel.

    Kiara Takanashi

  • Chess Explanation Kiara engaged in what is regarded as one of the most painful chess matches of all time from a spectator perspective in a collaboration with Amelia, thanks to both being novices and making over twenty blunders each. Since then, she will make jokes about the game to taunt and/or threaten her audience, such as having a rematch with Amelia, having members-only chess learning streams, making a giant chess board in Minecraft, or calling Fire Emblem: Three Houses "waifu chess."
  • The Usual Room Explanation Following the announcement of KFC's console, Kiara jokingly suggested on Twitter that KFP start development on a console of its own. When a fan pointed out that development had hit a stumbling block (due to KFP employees being chickens and not having fingers), she threatened to send them to the "Usual Room" unless they grew some fingers. Since then, every time the chat or a superchat message admits some sort of transgression against KFP or says something that Kiara strongly dislikes/disagrees with, she instructs them to be punished by being sent to this place. Heavily implied to be not particularly nice.
  • "I am Australian" *wink* Explanation Native German speakers were quick to note that Kiara doesn't speak High German, but rather a dialect of German associated with the Bavaria region and Austria. After people noticed this, she never really makes any attempt to hide the fact that she's Austrian, but will instead refer to her dialect as "Australian" instead, and always punctuates the word with a wink. That said, the gag had to be retired after she's noticed that not enough viewers, including some of her IRL friends, got the joke.
  • Kiarsenal Explanation During Kiara's playthrough of Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Kiara kept bringing out more and more absurd weapon props to threaten to use on the chat if they misbehaved. A gun, a spiked bat, a Frying Pan of Doom, a spiked ball and chain, brass knuckles, a hatchet, and a KFP-branded chainsaw.

    Ina'nis Ninomae

  • WAH! Explanation A Catchphrase of Ina's which was first uttered as a volume test on her debut stream, and has since become famous for being both cute and hilariously nonsensical. It's now so heavily associated with her that she's not only acknowledged it but also worked it into some of her puns and stream titles, and even has a member emote based on it. Some created backronyms for it, meaning "We Are Happy/Here/Hyped".
  • Time for a brain massage Explanation Whenever something Brain Bleach-worthy or generally too risky to dwell on pops up, Ina asks the Ancient Ones to provide viewers with a brain massage so they can forget it happened.
  • Asking for a friend Explanation When Ina is asking a question she will frequently add this phrase on, especially when a Casual Kink is involved or even when it wouldn't make sense, such as when asking an actually innocent question about the game she is playing.
  • It's just 549.99 Explanation Whenever Ina has to give a random price, 549.99 seems to be her go-to. What turns it into a running gag is the amount of times Hakos Baelz from the council runs into this, which culminates in a drawing teaching stream between the two, where the two begin recurrently mentioning that Ina's drawing lessons cost Bae 549.99, followed by Bae yelling "What a deal!".
  • Cucumbers Explanation Ina expressed her distaste for cucumbers. Because of that, the chat spams cucumber emojis whenever Ina leaves the stream for a break.

    Gura Gawr

  • Apex Predator Explanation Due to being a shark girl, Gura would call herself this regardless of the situation, either as a way to brag about something or to steel herself for an oncoming threat. It can either be completely justified, such as with rhythm games, or hilariously subverted, such as with combat-related games. Fans have also started using it for Botan at times, both due to her being a lioness and due to her and Gura absolutely slaughtering the crew during 5th Gen and EN Among Us collab during the round when the two of them were Impostors. Compared to the early days of the gag, with the introduction of Gawr, Gura's Superpowered Evil Side, and new EN kouhais to prank/haze, Gura's "apex predator cred" has increased dramatically over time. Once again evolved with the introduction of Sakamata Chloe of holo JP Gen 6, who is an orca, which are known to prey on sharks.
  • Feet Explanation Gura talks about feet a great deal and in many contexts, mostly about her own but she will give a mention to others' feet if they're there. It's enough that, after 11 months since her debut, one enterprising fan was able to compile a 47-minute compilation of nothing but her talking about feet. An hour-long sequel exists as well.
  • vacuuming Explanation Gura vacuuming has become an ongoing joke. She first mentions her desire to clean carpets in her first Luigi's Mansion 3 stream. In a subsequent Luigi's Mansion stream had her infamous 20 minutes of nothing but vacuuming a whole room of sand. In a later collab with Calli, due to the latter experiencing technical problems, Gura decided to end the stream by vacuuming her room in real life while acting confused why chat stayed to listen to her vacuuming.
  • "Deja Vu! I've been in this [X] before!" Explanation Every so often, Gura would sing part the Initial D song "Deja Vu", replacing "time" or "place" with whatever she's looking at on screen. The most notable instance was when she found Plessie in Bowser's Fury, but it sounded like she was singing "I've been in this pussy before".
  • Pantsless Run Explanation Ever since her tutorial session in the Myth TTRPG, the primary method Scout uses to solve problems involves removing her pants.
  • "Why didn't you warn me?" and variations thereof Explanation Gura understandably tries to ignore the chat's backseating (trying to tell her what to do) during game streams; this has resulted in her brushing off valid warnings about things that either she isn't prepared (or supposed) to face at that point or is beyond her skill. When the consequences happen, Gura will frequently demand to know why chat didn't warn her. More recent occurances have her lampshading chat pointing out they did.
  • Valley Girl Gura Explanation After Gura revealed her phenomenal ability to do a Valley Girl accent, showcasing it in an EN Uno collab, Valley Girl accents ended up spreading throughout EN and even into other branches like ID

    Amelia Watson

  • "When I was a kid/There was this one time..." Explanation The sheer amount of disturbing childhood stories that Amelia tells results in her audience getting nervous whenever she utters this phrase, usually because they rightfully assume that she's about to go into a little too much detail regarding another traumatic moment or serious injury.
  • "I'm naked by the way" Explanation Whenever another member takes phone calls (usually birthday streams), Amelia's calls will always have her note she's naked. Often throwing the streamer for a loop. This might be a pun on "birthday suit".
  • Ever since the introduction of Smol Ame, it has been a recurring meta joke(?) that all sorts of wild alternate Amelias from different dimensions exist, often with odd quirks and traits and prone to mischief. The lore of this phenomenon has only escalated over time, to the point that there's apparently ghost Ames, an entire city populated by Ames, and the occasional Ame zombie apocalypse.
  • *hic* Explanation According to Amelia she inhales a lot of air while she talks but because she was in a previous environment before hololive where burping would have been seen as inappropriate, she's conditioned herself to hiccup instead, or as she calls it a "reverse burp". To fans, these hiccups sound incredibly cute to the point where the chat will usually flood with "hic" in response to Amelia and there will be comments after the stream has ended timestamping all the moments she hiccups.

Project: HOPE


  • [x]RyS/IRyS[x] Explanation IRyS and chat frequently make puns using her own name. For example, her greeting and farewell being HiRyS and ByeRyS, using IRySoSeiso in response to chat calling her YabaIRyS, the full HoloEN Among Us colab having IRyS using the name IRySoSus, IRySoCool being a pretty common username for other games, and her birthday goods including products like the MugRyS and DollRyS.
  • Banana Explanation Bananas are a favored snack of hers, specifically bananas wrapped in plastic and chilled in the refrigerator. Her explanation of how she prepares them and the sounds of her unwrapping causes confusion and hilarity to those that hear them.
  • Monopoly Explanation In a guerilla Minecraft collab in early January 2022, IRyS and Bae found books of fanfics started by Reine in Kronii's bunker. They started a "BaeRyS route" which involved a game of Monopoly that IRyS threw in. While the route started with the actual board game, the fanfic took a turn for "one spicy game" between the two on the bed, turning it into a Sexual Euphemism that IRyS would make use on occasion since.

Generation 2 -Council-

    Sana Tsukumo

  • Sana is bIG/BEEG Explanation Originally Sana's Twitter bio that was set as a joke prior to her debut, the fandom quickly picked up on it due to it being highly appropriate for describing her..."physical", aspects. The latter variant is just how it's pronounced in her Australian accent.
  • Empty Head. Only Bread. Explanation Sana's first stream after her debut was a Holoscope on "What bread are you?" which became quite an Establishing Character Moment, defining bread as both her Trademark Favorite Food, the very fabric of the entire universe, and what is actually running inside her head. Sanallites often spam bread and baguette emoji in her chat as a reward for succeeding at something. Her first game stream which involved bread was, appropriately, I Am Bread.
  • Sananananana... Explanation Her usual avatar name is "Sanana" (which started as an inside joke on the private Hololive Discord where all the Council members changed their name into a banana pun). When she or something in the game refers to her character by name, she adds a random amount of "na" behind it for comedic effect. One oh her emoticons is a "NANA" that people can spam in the chat after the "SANA" emote.
  • The Space Jam Explanation Starting with the strawberry collectibles in Celeste, Sana decided to collect a maximum amount of fruits in order to make jam to go on her Sanallites' bread.
  • Destroying the planet Explanation Despite her main goal having been to not destroy the Earth for a year, Sana destroyed it twice. During the debut period. After that, she occasionally destroys it again just by being way too damn massive in her true form. To further drive the point home, Sana's part in the holoEN cover of Ochame Kinou is the bit where the planet supposedly explodes.

    Fauna Ceres

  • Return to Nature Explanation Fauna's take on "Return to Monke" meme, which she often means literally.

    Kronii Ouro

  • Bond Levels Explanation Bond Levels are a video game mechanic existing for instance in some gacha games. Kronii uses them to measure her relationship with chat. Whenever they request something inappropriate or overly intimate, she will say the bond level is not high enough yet. She will also threaten to reduce the bond level if chat is misbehaving, and occasionally grants a level when they have been particularly useful to her.
  • Not addicted to Minecraft, btw Explanation Kronii is present on many other HoloEN members' Minecraft streams, and also has played enough off-stream to have built an elaborate underground bunker and various other structures. Even so, she and the others will jokingly claim that she is not addicted to Minecraft. Expect this claim to come up whenever Kronii appears in the game.
  • Nice clock Explanation A Double Entendre Kronii and genmates caught up. Kronii is very proud of the size of her accessory.

    Mumei Nanashi

  • Civilization corrupted Nature Explanation The piece from Mumei's backstory became a Never Live It Down moment for the Council members and gets brought up any time a plant gets hurt in a game while she's present.
  • Minecraft berries Explanation Mumei takes any opportunity to collect berries in Minecraft, plant berry bushes everywhere, and toss berries to anyone she meets in the game. It's to the point that other Hololive members closely associate Mumei with berries.
  • "Yagoo? Who's that?" Explanation Any time Yagoo is brought up, she feigns ignorance, even pretending not to understand what chat is talking about when they explain that he's hololive's CEO and therefore her boss.
  • Mumei's cursed drawings. Explanation Whenever Mumei get sidetracked while she's drawing, she has a tendency to turn a cute face into a Nightmare Face, usually adding rows of sharp teeth and glowing red eyes.
  • "I'm not laughing!" Explanation Even when in the middle of a rant, Mumei has a tendency to start giggling. She will vehemently deny that she is laughing while angry.
  • Towl Explanation A combination of "Toxic" and "Owl", it was started by IRyS and adopted by both the chat and the other idols. Used to refer to Mumei when she's being toxic, much to her chagrin.

    Baelz Hakos

  • RESPECC Explanation Baelz said she loves all of Hololive's talents and everyone should be treated with "R.E.S.P.E.C.C." (yes, spelled out) for their own merits. Fans, of course, went along with this.
  • "Who's Whatabae?" Explanation Bae's chosen Minecraft username is Whatabae (What a Bae), and ever since the server merge, several JP members have seen the name and become confused, due to not knowing the term "bae" and mistaking it for one combined word, often thinking she is Watame
  • "$549.99, what a deal!" Explanation Originated from Bae's attempt to prank call Ina with an overly long pizza order, only for the prank to backfire with Ina stating the total price will be $549,99. The joke resurfaced during Bae and Ina's drawing collab, with 549.99 (subtitled with "What a deal!") being the price Bae "paid" to take drawing lessons... and became a running gag and *the* superchat incentive of the stream every time their drawing program tried to resync, making "549,99 what a deal!" appear on canvas. And also making Bae scream out those numbers.
  • [Happy teakettle noises] Explanation As Calli, Fauna, IRyS, and Mumei witnessed firsthand, whenever Bae completely loses it from laughter, she starts to sound like a whistling tea kettle that's reaching the boiling point.
  • Butts Explanation Bae having a fascination with butts, stemming from her Pokémon playthrough where she gave Theme Naming of her team with names all ending in "-Butt"
  • "Oui oui pp" Explanation During a JumpKing tournament collab, Bae tried speaking French by saying "oui oui", to which IRyS added "pp" to the end, causing Bae to uncontrollably laugh at the childish joke. Subsequent streams would have Bae bringing this back up, notably when she messaged Ina asking her to draw this as an emote
  • Lotion vtuber explanation After several streams where lotion would pop up in discussion, Bae declared herself the Lotion vtuber


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/RunningGag/Hololive

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